This package contains everything: The Course: Jewish Betrothal and Marriage, Bible and New Testament, The Baptism of Jesus from a Jewish Perspective, Jesus in the Jewish Wedding, Jesus: The God of Abraham, Isaac & JacobVideo, Jesus in the Passover Presentation, Jesus in the Passover, Jesus in the OT
The New Testament is written with a clear bias. That bias can be summed up with the title of this course, "How Did the New Testament Writers Read & Interpret Their Bibles (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek Bibles)?" 1. They taught the Doctine of God, yet today most Christians can't explain the Full Doctrine of God as the New Testament authors knew it and used it. 2. They understood the primary overarching thread or theme that began in Genesis. incorporating it into their writings and completing it in the final chapter of the book of Revelation. 3. They were completely familiar with historical stories that are not known to most Christians today, and they incorporated them, and/or those stories informed what they wrote. The stories are the background assumptions upon which their teachings are based. In other words, not all extrabiblical Jewish stories are foolish made-up tales, and we need to know them in order to fully understand what the New Testament writers have written. 4. MORE!
Did you know the New Testament story is based on the Ancient Jewish Wedding Ceremony? Jesus is the “Bridegroom,” John the Baptist the “Best Man,” and Passover is God’s pre-wedding Betrothal Ceremony with Israel. The Last Supper was a pre-wedding Betrothal Ceremony. Taking Communion means agreeing to be married to Messiah in a binding Covenant. Understanding this ceremony and related Biblical feasts enhances the comprehension of Jesus' relationship with His Bride, the Church. Want to learn more?
The Jesus in the Passover: More than an Haggadah Demonstration on Video. See the book come to life with this presentation recorded live. Jesus re-purposed traditional aspects of the Jewish Passover and fulfilled them. The Passover sacrifice foreshadowed the Messiah, the true Lamb, whose blood offers protection from eternal death. With no Temple, Rabbinical law replaced the sacrifice with the seder, a memorial dinner. Passover is the Last Supper and Jesus' betrothal ceremony.
Did you know Jesus re-purposed traditional aspects of the Jewish Passover and fulfilled their prophetic meanings? Passover reflects the creativity of Jewish communities worldwide. The Passover sacrifice foreshadowed the Messiah, the Lamb, whose blood offers protection from eternal death. With no Temple, Rabbinical law replaced the sacrifice with the seder, a memorial dinner. Passover sacrifice the Last Supper and it represents both the Exodus and the Messiah's sacrificial death and betrothal!
“Tov Rose has written an advanced Old Testament study to show that the message of the Old Testament and the New Testament are completely consistent in presenting Jesus as the Word of God. His book shows that the New Testament is very much a product of 1st Century Jewish thought and messianic expectations. It is meaty enough for a 1st year seminary student, yet easy enough to read for any serious student of the Bible.” – Joel Richardson
The Jewish Marriage and Betrothal Ceremony provides the structure for both the Old and New Testaments. In this course, we will explore how New Testament authors skillfully incorporated these Old Testament themes into their writing by utilizing existing Jewish Midrashic techniques. In addition, we will examine the background and significant contributions of Ezra the Scribe, who played a pivotal role in preserving and compiling the books of Moses, the Prophets and the Writings (aka., The Old Testament). Through an examination of Midrashic hermeneutics, we will uncover the interpretive principles employed by ancient Jewish scribes, including the importance of community consensus in the interpretation of scripture. By the end of this course, students will gain a comprehensive understanding and overview of the Jewish Marriage Theology Thread woven through the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Jewish world during the time of the New Testament and its impact on the biblical text.
The Jewish Marriage and Betrothal Ceremony provides the structure for both the Old and New Testaments. In this course, we will explore how New Testament authors skillfully incorporated these Old Testament themes into their writing by utilizing existing Jewish Midrashic techniques. In addition, we will examine the background and significant contributions of Ezra the Scribe, who played a pivotal role in preserving and compiling the books of Moses, the Prophets and the Writings (aka., The Old Testament). Through an examination of Midrashic hermeneutics, we will uncover the interpretive principles employed by ancient Jewish scribes, including the importance of community consensus in the interpretation of scripture. By the end of this course, students will gain a comprehensive understanding and overview of the Jewish Marriage Theology Thread woven through the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Jewish world during the time of the New Testament and its impact on the biblical text.
What’s missing in the traditional explanation of Baptism in church? What do you know about the Jewish side of the story? Why did John have to baptize Jesus? John referred to himself as the Best Man? In Jewish tradition, pagans converting to Judaism underwent a specific ritual of Baptism—this is what John used for Jews, making him a prophet. But what John did was more significant. He prepared Jesus to take the place of Isaac, and prepare Messiah for his Betrothal to Israel!
"The Scary Truth About Christmas" by Tov Rose dives into the holiday's myths and truths. It offers facts to debunk misconceptions, explore Jesus's birth's significance, and blend joy with truth. Perfect for countering anti-Christmas views with historical and spiritual insights.
Book !: The Baptism of Jesus from a Jewish Perspective Book 2: Jesus in the Jewish Wedding: Messianic Fulfillment in the Bible and Tradition Book 3: Jesus: The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Video: Jesus in the Passover Presentation - Recorded Live Book 4: Jesus in the Passover: More than an Haggadah