A 12-Week Seminary Level Course for Everyone

*This is a 1st year seminary level course made approachable and understandable for any serious student of the Bible.

The New Testament is written with a clear bias. That bias can be summed up with the title of this course.

  • They taught the Doctrine of God, yet today most Christians can't explain the Full Doctrine of God as the New Testament authors knew it and used it. 

  • They understood the primary overarching thread or theme that began in Genesis. incorporating it into their writings and completing it in the final chapter of the book of Revelation.

  • They were completely familiar with historical stories that are not known to most Christians today, and they incorporated them, and/or those stories informed what they wrote. The stories are the background assumptions upon which their teachings are based. In other words, not all extra-biblical Jewish stories are foolish made-up tales, and we need to know them in order to fully understand what the New Testament writers have written.

  • A whole lot more MORE!

What, When, How, Why?

The course "Answering the Question: How Did the New Testament Writers Read & Interpret Their Old Testament Scriptures?" with Tov Rose offers a deep dive into the interpretive methods and theological insights that shaped the New Testament authors’ understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures. This exploration is key for anyone interested in biblical studies, as it uncovers how early Jewish Believers viewed the fulfillment of prophecies, types and Biblical themes, and the continuation of religious traditions.

By examining the cultural, historical, and religious contexts in which these writers operated, participants can gain a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness between the Old and New Testaments.

Such courses are invaluable for those wishing to strengthen their faith, enrich their knowledge of biblical literature and its lasting impact on faith and scholarship.

Example Curriculum

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