אֲדֹנָי יֱהוִה

The Course

Come as you are. Leave changed.

אֲדֹנָי יֱהוִה

There is so much teaching about Jesus in the Church, but so little about his Dad. In this course I want to clear up the confusion.

If you've not taking my Master Class Jesus in the Old Testament I, that tells you every name of God in the Hebrew Bible for Jesus in the Old Testament, and HOW the Name of the Word of God and the Word’s Marriage Ceremony are the Template upon which Bible is constructed, I'd strongly encourage you to go take that one first:

Jesus in the Old Testament I

Most followers of Jesus think they know the Father, because they know about the YHVH, "I've seen the Hebrew Name of God. That's the Father in the Old Testament."

Is it really?

There are many, many, Names for God in the Jewish Bible, but did you know that only three (3) belong to the Father? And did you know that the Father has specific areas of responsibility and duties, while delegating the rest to His Son, also known as The Word of God, who eventually became flesh?

Has anyone ever taught you what duties and responsibilities are the Father's alone, and what exactly He has delegated to the Word, His only begotten Son?

That's what this class is about.

But why is it about that?

Jesus’ very last prayer was that we would know His Father like he himself knows His Father, and that we would be in the Father and fully known as He is in the Father and fully in relationship with his Father. Why do you think his “Farewell Discourse,” is found in chapters 14–17 of the Gospel of John?

Maybe, because it might be the one of the most important things he ever said?

Read on:


The Father & The Son are in Charge – of Different Stuff.
The entire Bible from Genesis to the coming of Jesus is about the Revelation of the Word of God to the world. Most of the Bible is about the Word of God, which was the Father’s will—to give His Son all things (Hebrews 1). But, what did Jesus say was his own mission on Earth? It was to show us his very own Father, whom no one had ever seen, no one had heard the Father Himself speak, no one had ever seen Him. It says so in Luke 10:22.

All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knows who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him.”

So what else does the Word reveal about his Abba?    

John 6:46

"No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God [myself]; only he has seen the Father". 

John 1:18

"No one has ever seen God; the only begotten Son [Me], who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him".  

There are so many more similar statements by Jesus and his disciples (the other New Testament writers).

These are some areas that the source of love, GOD our Father reveals Himself in the Bible:

  • Prayer has always directed to the Father (even Abraham did it)
  • The Father is in charge of Forgiveness (Did you think you’re supposed to ask Jesus or his Father?)
  • The Father is in charge of Life and Death, and Resurrection
  •  The Father is in charge of providing good gifts, the best of which is Salvation (The Word of God, aka: The Gospel in Psalm 68)
  • The Father is in charge of Ultimate Judgment (after The Word has called and plead with you for a long, long time)
  • And more.

Take your class.

You deserve to know your Father. It's time you do something to know Him better.

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Your Instructor

Name: **Tov Rose** (pronounced like "stove", drop the "s")

As an accomplished author. speaker, and educator, Tov Rose, a dedicated researcher of biblical texts and brings to the table over three decades of immersive experience in understanding the intricacies of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. His academic journey, enriched by extensive research and analysis of ancient scriptures and history, has enabled him to help others understand the complex theological frameworks that underpin the Biblical text.

Historical context and linguistic nuance help strengthen your understanding of the Bible, Tov has dedicated himself to helping non-scholars understand the Bible's own theology.

At the heart of Tov's approach lies a fervent passion for educating others about the interconnectedness of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, the underlying structure that bonds the two.

This passion has translated into the development of his Master Class, encouraging students to deeply engage with the texts, in a format where questioning and open dialogue pave the way for growing in your faith and trust in God's Biblical design.


Laying the Groundwork for Judeo-Christian Scripture


Analyzing the Continuities and Disparities Between Testaments


Exploring the Cross-References and Common Themes in Biblical Texts