Course Overview and Objectives

Welcome to the Course. You're in the right place if you want to know the Father like never before!

For those who don't know me, my name is Tov Rose (pronounced "Tove" like "Stove" but without the "S").

I've been performing, speaking and teaching for three decades. I specialize in helping followers of Jesus understand the Jewish context of the Bible, it's culture, cultural sensitivities, and nuances. That includes the New Testament. For all the educational resources and research out there, it is amazing how few Christians realize that the New Testament is completely Jewish is composition and message, even through so much of it is written to a non-Jewish audience.

That being said, I want to introduce you to a concept most people don't grab hold of very easily: How to relate to The Father, God. Jesus's Abba, our Abba.

There is so much teaching about Jesus in the Church, but so little about his Dad. In this course I want to clear up the confusion.

If you've not taking my Master Class that tells you every name of God in the Hebrew Bible for Jesus in the Old Testament, I'd strongly encourage you to go take that one first!

Jesus in the Old Testament I, which focuses on how the Jewish Marriage and Betrothal Ceremony is The Theological Structure for both the Hebrew Bible & The New Testament

The purpose of this series of courses (and there are more to come), is to show you every possible way to find Jesus in the Old Testament. In doing that, I inevitably have to also tell you every possible way to find Abba God and the Holy Spirit as well. I hope you don't mind?

However, If you're ready to jump into this course, let's start!

Christians who cling to rejection and remain stuck in their past, failing to forgive those who have wronged them, often find themselves emotionally vulnerable to the adversary's attacks. They frequently hop from one prayer line and Bible study to another or seek personal prophecies and spiritual insights in desperation, hoping to discover God's ultimate will or gain affirmation to boost their spirits and change their life's trajectory. However, before long, they tend to fall back into feelings of depression and oppression. I've observed many blame their emotional ups and downs on those who have caused them pain, or on God Himself.

What most of us really need is to forgive our earthly father for not representing our heavenly Father well to us, which was their primary job whether they knew it or not. So many of us are unable to come out from hiding behind the skirts of Jesus to boldly approach the throne of Grace that our Father in Heaven offers, because of bad or missing fathering we've experienced on earth.

I realize this might be hard for some of you. But if you know anything about me, you know I don't shy away from hard. Before we continue, try doing this which might be a hard thing: Forgive your earthly father. The man doesn't even have to be there with you. Speak it out loud, speak the hard things you haven't said, like, "I forgive you for_____." And however many of those there are, do it. If you can.

Take as much time as you need. I think you'll get a lot more out of this class if you take the time to do this. It will open up blocked communication between you and your heavenly Father. In him there is no fear, no judgment, no rejection. He is love. His light, He is life. He is not your enemy. The other shoe doesn't drop with Him. He's no there to slap you down. He is proud of you. He loves you. Ask him yourself, and listen for His still small voice, and you'll hear him say those things himself. He'll do it through other people and he will say it through your life circumstances. Take the chance.

Most online courses start off with a great welcome post used to draw students in and prepare them for the road ahead. I started with asking you to pray and forgive. I can't imagine a better foundation for what we will be studying together.

You can't "Know the Father" if you're earthly image of a father is blocking or interfering with your ability to see, know and experience relationship with our Father in Heaven.

As you might imagine, we have to lay some foundation before we begin building. Here is an outline of what we are going to cover in this course:

  1. Real Men
  2. Fatherhood is Not Politically Correct     
  3. Taking a Stand on Fatherhood
  4. The Lost Men
  5. Tov's Personal Tirade
  6. Choosing to be an Adult is often hard, but required              
  7. Your earthly father is nothing like Our Heavenly Father         
  8. Our God Is Not Generic
  9. Jesus’ Ultimate Purpose is to Present Us to His Father
  10. Who’s Your Daddy?
  11. The Father & Son are in Charge of Different Stuff 
  12. A Very Brief Study/Review of the Son in the Hebrew Bible
  13. The Father is in Charge of Forgiveness
  14. The Father in in Charge of Life & Death, and Resurrection  
  15. The Father is in Charge of GOOD Gifts
  16. The Father is in Charge of Ultimate Judgment After His Son has pleaded for a LONG time
  17. Intimacy with the Father: How to get here
  18. My experience with The Father
  • (It is very effective to add a video to this post to introduce yourself as the instructor of the course and the lesson materials used for this course.)

Complete and Continue  