The Transition between 2 Chronicles & Matthew
The Transition between 2 Chronicles & Matthew.
Let’s take a closer look at the transition from Chronicles to the Matthew, starting with the last two verses of Chronicles:
‘Now in the first year of Koresh (Cyrus: Possess You the Furnace) king of Paras (Persia: Pure, Splendid), that the word of the Yehōvah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) spoken by the mouth of Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah: Whom Yehōvah has Appointed) might be accomplished, the Yehōvah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) stirred up the spirit of Koresh (Possess You the Furnace) king of Paras (Pure, Splendid), that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,
Thus says Koresh (Possess You the Furnace) king of Paras (Pure, splendid), All the kingdoms of the earth has the Yehōvah Elōhīm (Messiah Pre-Incarnate, The Creator/Word: The Many Powered One) of heaven given me; and he has charged me to build him a house in Yerushalayim (Foundation of Peace), which is in Y’hudah (Let Him Be Praised). Who is there among you of all his people? The Yehōvah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) his Elōhīm (The Word the Creator/The Many Powered) be with him! and let him go up!’ (2 Chronicles 36.22-23 NMV)
Now, let us read it dropping the names and only using the English translations:
‘Now in the first year of ‘Possess You the Furnace’ king of ‘Pure, Splendid’, that the Word of the ‘Messiah Pre-Incarnate the Blessed-Man-Bridegroom' spoken by the mouth of ‘Whom Messiah Pre-Incarnate the Blessed-Man-Bridegroom has Appointed’ might be accomplished, ‘Messiah Pre-Incarnate the Blessed-Man-Bridegroom' stirred up the spirit of ‘You the Furnace’ king of ‘Pure, Splendid’, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying: ‘Thus says ‘Possess You the Furnace’ king of ‘Pure, Splendid’, ‘All the kingdoms of the earth has the ‘Messiah Pre-Incarnate the Blessed-Man-Bridegroom, The Creator, The Word—The Many Powered One’ of heaven given me; and He has charged me to build Him a ‘House in Foundation of Peace’, which is in ‘Let Him Be Praised’. Who is there among you of all His people? The ‘Messiah Pre-Incarnate the Blessed Man-Bridegroom' his ‘Creator, The Word—The Many Powered One’ be with him! and let him go up!’ (2 Chronicles 36.22-23)
Now, look at king Cyrus’ proclamation as a prophetic statement by looking at it as a in reverse order, comparing it to Matthew 1 and it can be seen used as a Chiasm.[48] (Review the discussion on this topic of Thread 1):
1. You went up.
2. Your Bridegroom Creator is with you.
3. Who is there among you who are His people?
4. You are charged to Build Him a House founded on Peace!
5. Your Creator Bridegroom has given you all the kingdoms of the earth under heaven.
6. YOU: Possess the Furnace, Pure and Splendid!
7. Make a Proclamation throughout the earth:
8. Pure and Splendid, Possess the Furnace! Stir up the Spirit!
9. Whom the Bridegroom has Appointed.
10. The Bridegroom has given you his Word
11. Pure, Splendid, Possess YOU the Furnace
12. This is the First Year
Now, what is the story you see unfold when you translate names in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1? The names of the lineage of Jesus tell the story of the Bridegroom, the story of Salvation, the story of struggle, the story of His life and relationship, his wooing The Bride. Matthew presents Jesus’ credentials as the Bridegroom. Matthew’s genealogy follows the history of the Kings of Judah that Ezra set up in Chronicles, dropping the evil kings of Judah.[49] The genealogy sets up the story of Israel meeting the Bridegroom in person.
Lesson Summary
The transition from 2 Chronicles to Matthew can be seen through a comparison of the last verses in 2 Chronicles and the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:
- In 2 Chronicles 36:22-23, King Cyrus acknowledges the decree to build a house in Jerusalem and invites all to go up.
- Breaking down the names to their English translations reveals a message of the Bridegroom, the Blessed-Man, and The Creator.
- By viewing King Cyrus' proclamation in reverse order, a Chiasm can be observed, connecting to Matthew 1.
- Matthew's genealogy in Chapter 1 tells the story of the Bridegroom and Salvation, omitting the evil kings of Judah.
- Jesus' lineage in Matthew sets the stage for the story of Israel meeting the Bridegroom in person.